Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Soporific Aloo Posto

Last Sunday, I had visited my friend and colleague. Later I happened to lunch at their place. Authentic Bengal cuisine, really tasty but a little bit soporific...guess why? It was because of the poppy seeds added in the preparation. I had a typical Bengali meal comprising rice, dal, posto and boiled okra with onions.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

'kao hnyin rice' or the 'Kavuni arisi' -- The Burmese connection

People hailing from chettinad area or those who have a Burmese connection will know about the sweet purple porridge made out of a special variety of rice...The 'kao hnyin rice' from Burma. Any ceremony in Nagarathar community is incomplete without this dish. In those days, people returning from Burma, used to pack the 'kao hnyin rice' in sewed small gunny bags. These days you get it here locally, but it is a bit costlier. Its pronunciation has just transformed into 'Kavuni Arisi' (Arisi means rice in Tamil). but not the way it is prepared and relished...

Processor implantation

Today we went to our contract assembly House and got our cute-girl's brain implanted by a healthy one. Electrically she is fine...waiting for her to wake up...

Friday, November 02, 2007

In an effort to save my beloved

Today was the hectic day.
Tring tring: A phone call conveying that the electronic board is hung.
In-situ explanation by the team member: “I heard a spark and I turned off the system”
Immediate conclusion: Power – Ground short
I suspected capacitor damage surge current / ESD
I wanted to restore the small cute baby to life: I de-soldered the capacitors.
Hope this would bring her back to life.
Nope :o(
Still EEPROM was in system: It was healthy
My cute girl’s processor is gone.
Indeed very sad to admit that she was not given the basic ESD care.
Hope this is the first and last of such errors.