Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happiness stealer

One forceful wish by an adamant guy...had he not done that, he would have been the wealthiest of all... (A real incident heard it in a different perspective!)

'Happiness stealer'; wishfully received out of God's creations...

God said "NO, do not ask me to grant your wish!...enjoy your life..."

Our guy, a business magnet could entertain himself with anything he wished, but this wish of his could not be fulfilled by the vastness of his business empire.

After business hours, like a door-door salesman, he filled God's ears with his wish repeatedly.

God had only one answer "NO"

As with any business dealing, next he started threatening God.

God made him get more business so that this guy would not pester any further but in vain...

Business-man was adamant...and finally God fulfilled his wish...a girl child...

That was the day after when he lost all his happiness

As she grew, she stole happiness from people around her...all of them died grief stricken!

Now, even at the rim of life, she still loves stealing happiness from her spouse, son, and recently daughter-in-law, grandchild, huh...everyone.

She is sixty and still going on...


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